
Coasting Round Britain

30th March 2013 to 12th July 2014
St Lawrence to Clacton-on-Sea (58)
5116 out of 5630 miles completed

Log No 332. Sun 1st Jun 2014 - A rest day at Brightlingsea (5116 miles walked)

The boating pond
It feels very strange to be outside and not doing any walking at all in the day.

With blue sky and sunshine it was a good day to have off, I got some washing done then sat outside with a novel.

For a seaside resort and it being a weekend it was remarkably peaceful, the campsite was next to the boating pond and I was entertained by the Model Yacht Club members with their radio controlled yachts.

After over a year of walking without a schedule I have now had the rest of the walk planned out for me. Mick has come up with a schedule and potential campsites that he will book for me as I get near to them, all I have to do is get up in the morning and walk.